Cheeky Tunes - Tuesday Sessions
Cheeky Tunes Tuesday Sessions follow a similar style and welcomes guest speakers and our Cheeky Chica brand ambassadors whenever possible,

Cheeky Tunes Friday Happy Hour via Zoom Live Streaming on Sweet Cheeks Facebook is an independent initiative from three friends with a few common objectives: supporting positive moods, performing arts and small businesses during the COVID19 Crisis - Quarantine.
Nikki Dagostino is an accordionist and pianist, known as Little Miss Squeezebox, and a dear entertainer very well-known in Perth and across the music industry in Australia. When the Quarantine was announced, much like many musicians and performers world wide, Nikki had to all her events cancelled. As a full time musician, the shock was described to her friend Claudia J. Rondon - founder of newly born brand Sweet Cheeks Wear, who still works as an integrated producer and strategist and who is a hobbyist musician. Claudia then had the idea to join efforts together in a co-creation that would not just be a really good outlet to allow the creative juices to keep flowing and in supporting music - which we all love - the initiative of this interactive live show online could then allow music to also give us the support we all need right now to stay physically distant but stay socially and emotionally connected in the right vibe.
Nikki invited another friend who has also been working in the creative and online space to join and participate - Fiona Cooper, former ABC Radio host, experienced singer, MC and presenter.
Head to Cheeky Tunes Friday Happy Hour Event page on Sweet Cheeks Wear Facebook Page , click on "tickets" and follow the link to fill out your details to the Zoom meeting. You will then receive and email with the Meeting ID and password so you can join us LIVE on Zoom and interact with musician, hosts and ask questions directly to any guests during the live streaming.
See you Friday 6:30pm (Perth), 8:30pm (Sydney)
Stay safe, strong and sweet!
Much love,
Read about our guest this Friday in our blog.
Watch previous Cheeky Tunes on YouTube
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